[ Nuclear Fuel Waste: Questions and Challenges (Slideshow, White River ON, May 27/15) ]
[ Selling Uranium to India + World Uranium Symposium [Edwards audio RCI 15m April 16/15] ]
[ Iran as Paradigm: Towards a World Free of Nuclear Weapons (April 2/15) ]
[ Bruce Power and the CNSC: Is Anybody At All Responsible? (March 16/15) ]
[ G Edwards on High-Level Nuclear Waste in Schreiber Ontario [Video (57m) Feb 11 2015] ]
[ Health Risks of Radon Exposures and the Inadequacy of Current Standards (Nov 27 2014) ]
[ The Radioactive Contamination of Recycled Metal (Nov 10 2014) ]
[ The Removal of Used Nuclear Fuel at Fukushima -- Mission Completed? (Nov 5 2014) ]
[ Uranium in Quebec: Too Heavy A Price To Pay? (Brief to Uranium Inquiry, Oct 30 2014) ]
[ Final CCNR submission on the Great Lakes Nuclear Waste Dump (Oct 9 2014) ]
[ Testimony on the Great Lakes Nuclear Waste Dump (Sept 9 2014) ]
[ Examples of Rolling Stewardship as an Alternative to Abandonment (Oct 30 2014) ]
[ Uranium – Its Uses and Dangers (Sept 25 2014) ]
[ Nuclear Waste Governance in Canada (Sept 1 2014) ]
[ About Radioactive Bananas (April 2014) ]
[ Reactor-Grade Plutonium and Bombs (Apr 1 2014) ]
[ The Age of Nuclear Waste is Upon Us (Mar 12 2014) ]
[ Decontamination Efforts Following the Fukushima Disaster [LARGE FILE] (Mar 5 2014) ]
[ CCNR Comments on US NRC's Plans for Storing High-Level Nuclear Waste (Dec 20 2013) ]
[ Examples of Rolling Stewardship for Nuclear Wastes (Oct 30 2013) ]
[ The Environmental Hazards of Japan?s Reprocessing (Oct 4 2013) ]
[ CCNR To Panel: "Do Not Allow OPG to Abandon Its Nuclear Wastes" (Aug 20 2013) ]
[ Nuclear Waste DUD: When does a Repository become a Dump? (Aug 13 2013) ]
[ "Don't Push Your Luck!" -- extended operation of the Pickering reactors (April 29 2013) ]
[ Reprocessing Nuclear Waste in Japan (NY Academy of Sciences Mar 12 2013) ]
[ Weapons Grade Uranium and the Production of Medical Isotopes (Mar 3 2013) ]
[ Dismantling Nuclear Structures Provides Jobs (Jan 29 2013) ]
[ Nuclear Waste: The Radioactive Contamination of Recycled Material (Jan 18 2013) ]
[ The Failure to Answer Fundamental Reactor Safety Questions (Jan 13 2013) ]
[ The Unavailability of CANDU Safety Systems (Dec 9 2012) ]
[ Oral Testimony by G. Edwards vs Darlington Refurbishment (Dec 6 2012) ]
[ The Decline of Nuclear Power Worldwide (Nov 14 2012) ]
[ Don't Refurbish Darlington; Report to Parliament Instead (Oct 13 2012) ]
[ Keynote Address - Nuclear Labyrinth on the Great Lakes (Oct 4 2012: video starts at 24 min.) ]
[ Edwards to Montreal Press Club - Nuclear Threats Update (Aug 6 2012: video 1h12m) ]
[ Thinking Outside the Nuclear Box -- The End of an Era (Sept 25 2012) ]
[ Thinking About Thorium Reactors (Sept 16 2012) ]
[ Nuclear Regulator Allows 'Tritium Unlimited' (Sept 15 2012) ]
[ Peterborough Pollution: Tritium in the Twilight Zone (Sept 08 2012) ]
[ Radio Interview on High Level Wastes near Lake Huron (30 min; Aug 30 2012) ]
[ "Why is High-Level Nuclear Waste so Dangerous for So Long? (14 pages, August 2012)" ]
[ Audio: SNC-Lavalin and the Sale of AECL's CANDU Division (May 10 2012) ]
[ CCNR Comments on the CNSC Post-Fukushima Action Plan (Feb. 4 2012) ]
[ Dangers of the Spent Fuel Pool of Unit 4 at Fukushima Dai-ichi (Jan. 13 2012) ]
[ Time to Relocate the Port Hope Uranium Conversion Facilities (Dec. 19 2011) ]
[ YOUTUBE VIDEO: An overview of uranium mining (Nov. 23 2011) ]
[ Uranium Mill Tailings – Not Just Any Toxic Legacy [Edwards video 3m 2011] ]
[ CCNR Submission to CNSC re. Restart of Point Lepreau (Nov. 14 2011) ]
[ Nuclear Fuel Waste - Questions About Alternative Disposal Methods (2005/2011) ]
[ Fukushima Dai-ichi's Fourth Reactor Needs Independent Assessment (Oct 24 2011) ]
[ Refurbishing Gentilly-2 Will Not Make It Safe; Shutting it Down Will (Oct 18 2011) ]
[ Chalk River : Canada's Nuclear Sacrifice Area (Sep 6 2011) ]
[ Fukushima Fallout: Worse than Hiroshima or Chernobyl? (Aug 2011) ]
[ The Plight of Canada's Nuclear Industry (Aug 2011) ]
[ Thorium Reactors -- Back to the Dream Factory (July 2011) ]
[ How long do nuclear wastes continue to generate heat? (July 2011) ]
[ "Ask An Expert" -- Questions about the Fukushima disaster (CTV Mar 17 2011) ]
[ A Brief Critique of the CNSC's "Technical Briefing" on Steam Generators (March 10 2011) ]
[ No More Nuclear Reactors on the Great Lakes! (February 22 2011) ]
[ "Radiation is Invisible" - Critique of the Matoush Uranium Project EIS (November 23 2010) ]
[ Submission to the CNSC on the steam generator issue (Edwards Sep 13 2010) ]
[ Should Canada be Recycling Radioactive Metal? (RCI Audio, Edwards
2010) ]
[ Notes on the Isotope Shortage (Edwards
2009) ]
[ Critique of the EIS for the Midwest Uranium Project in Saskatchewan (Feb 2008) ]
[ Following the Path Backwards: High Level Nuclear Waste and the NWMO (Sept 2005) ]
[ Exploding the Nuclear Myths (Edwards, 2001) ]
[ Historical Origins of Canada's Nuclear Liability Act (Edwards '97) ]
[ Nuclear Power in Quebec (Débat public sur
l'Énergie, '95) ]
[ Reactor Accidents at Chalk River -- The Human
Fallout ]
[ Uranium: The Deadliest Metal -- background
article (Edwards 92) ]
[ Uranium: Known Facts and Hidden Dangers (Salzburg
address) ]
[ Uranium : A Discussion Guide -- Questions
& Answers ]
[ "Nuclear Wastes: What, Me Worry?" Update (1987
Addendum) ]
[ A Chernobyl in Canada - it could happen here (Globe & Mail '86) ]
[ Fueling the Nuclear Arms Race -- and How to Stop It
(Edwards '85) ]
[ Canada's Nuclear Dilemma -- Journal of Business Administration (Edwards '82) ]
[ Cost Disadvantages of Expanding Nuclear
Power (Edwards '82) ]
[ Health/Environment Issues Linked to Nuclear -- A:
Radioactivity ]
[ Health/Environment Issues Linked to Nuclear -- B:
Health Effects ]
[ What is Reprocessing? Past AECL Plans for Plutonium and Thorium ('78) ]
[ "Nuclear Wastes: What, Me Worry?" (1978 Original) ]
[ Time to Stop and Think: A Brief to Pierre
Elliot Trudeau ('77) ]
[ The Dangers of Nuclear Power: An Open Letter to
Physicists ('72) ]